watermelon skin, thread
The work explores the similarities in poetry of Ukraine and Palestine. Drawing on Mahmoud Darwish and Serhiy Zhadan poems. Specific lines that resonate with artists countries found in both poems and  are embroidered on watermelon skin which is a resistance symbol in both countries that artist attaches to. On the watermelon skin with uncompleted embroidery the poem by Mahmoud Darwish " The Tatars Swallows" the line used is  "We haven't been true owners of our days since the time of Tatars" The artist chose the poem about Tatars as it resonates with the Crimean Tatar population in Ukraine and the difficulties they have been facing for decades. 
 Due to the fact that process of embroidering can only be done while the watermelon is wet, it restricts the time and only a part of embroidery can be finished, which resonates with the amount of similarities can always be found constantly the more you look into it.  

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