Matchbox, ceramic watermelon seeds, printout packaging design
Packaging with ceramic watermelon seeds inside. The work relates to the gift shops in museums and the consumerism that is connected to political and environmental activism. It critiques the idea of activism that is connected through offered products to consume. It was inspired by the moment  when I realized after any protest in London, the streets are trashed by identical thousands of printed posters and matter, which is what i have seen for the first time, as while looking at Ukrainian history of protest, or even current one, you can see people recycling materials they already have at home and  use it for posters and banners, while on streets of London, it’s just tons of identical printer posters laying around the city weekly that are thrown away after each use most of the time. Similarly goes with environmental activism, or even exhibitions, in every exhibition the gift shops are filled with a variety of products to purchase, which just increases consumerism instead of what the exhibition itself was aimed at doing.
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